VIDEO - Homeschooling: Six Steps to Make it Effective

Video transcript here:

Homeschooling can be effective if you use these six steps.

Have you ever met homeschoolers before? Any homeschooler I've met has been successful. Why? Because they learn to learn, and that's essential to be successful in life.

In my 15 years working in education globally, I worked with schools to make sure that they helped their students learn anywhere.  2020 was the perfect year to demonstrate that "it" works.

You might be asking yourself, what is the "it" that I'm talking about?

"It" is the framework and a process that develops skills that will help teachers and parents work with their children. The "it" is called the Relational Learning Framework, and it involves six steps.

Step 1

The first step is Planning. It's essential to know what you will do during the day and how much time you will dedicate to each task. But those things need to be specific because then you know exactly what you have to do.

Step 2

The second one is Explore. It's when you connect the dots. It's when you recognize what you already know about that subject and connect to the new learning, to the new knowledge.

Step 3

The third one is Research. Once you understand what you're going to learn and what you already know, it's time to research and use whatever resources you have. You use books, you use technology, you use an interview with somebody, you use a documentary, you use whatever resources you have around you.

Step 4

The fourth one is Practice. Once you've gathered all that information, now it's time to practice, practice, practice so that new knowledge internalizes in your brain. It comes to activities, playing a game, doing a project, doing the things that will ensure that learning sticks.

Step 5

Then the next one is to Relate. So, how am I going to use this? How am I going to use what I learned in my life? That's the biggest mistake I believe schools usually make because what you want to make sure is whatever you're learning is useful for you. So how am I going to use this in my life?

Step 6

And finally, Self-Assess. So did I allocate the right time? Did I have the right resources to research? Did I know anything about this? So you take the bird's eye view of the whole process.

Watch Homeschooling Routine

The reason why homeschoolers are successful is that they take the focus from content into the learning process, and they learn that skill. They know how to learn.

The six steps we talked about make up the Relational Learning Framework. Now, it took us years to figure this out, to put these six steps together, to simplify it, and bring it for you, so you make learning easier for your students and your children.

If you want to learn more about the Relational Learning Framework, pick up my book Becoming  Einstein's Teacher.


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