Erika Twani - Becoming Einstein's Teacher book. Relational Learning Framework. Autonomous Learning.

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Tips for parents during distance learning

In Relational Learning, planning plays a very important role in the learning process of students. Time management is key to structuring work sessions . We share five tips to take into account to optimize planning time, especially in virtual work sessions. It may seem simple, but many assume students already know how to do it!

1. Make sure students understand the operation of the communication channels for the session and guide them on their use. Example: "Access to the session will be through the following link and must generate prior registration."

2. Agree with your students the dynamics of contact for feedback and monitoring of the process. Example: "On Mondays between nine to ten in the morning I will be answering any questions you have on topic one. You can send them to the email ".

3. Guide students to find the resources they will need for a good development of their activities. Example: "You will find the resources for this unit of study in this online Science folder, then sixth grade folder, then in research resources topic three."

4. In the session, define a time to clarify possible questions regarding the activities and ensure students are progressing. Example: Propose a debate and provide feedback on student contributions.

5. Periodically remind students of the learning plan projections. Example: "The timeframe we project to work on this topic is (start and end)".

We all have different challenges in the face of new remote learning dynamics. What's yours?